CS2D General CS2D Shadows & Lights ReleasedIt's a pleasure to hear that from an expert.
That's right, I should make more notes for the right use of Shadow & Lights Layers.
I'm planning to make a tutorial that would be used in application.
Btw,what programming language are you using to create this?Just curious.
Gameplay won't lag for sure.
Now we can make light environment for maps. (Note: also said this on comments of the youtube video)
btw... May I ask why you made the map not in cs2d editor.
FN_Nemesis has written
@Twbibi he dont make it in aditor because is saparate tool from cs2d..
what is the mean of this word? (saparate)??
btw.. where can i download it.
TWBiBi has written
May I ask why you made the map not in cs2d editor.
The map is created in CS2D Editor.
Shadows & Lights for map are created in new CS2D tool as video shows.
btw.. where can i download it.
You can't yet, but the release is soon enough.
It has a Steam-ish feeling, but you should make it noob-friendly.
Also polish and german versions. But that's not so important.
GrandMyth has written
Haha, you already saw it.
After watching this preview, few people gave me some ideas.
So, I'll try improving the current version.
And I even thought it's already finished...
were50 has written
Haha sweet. Can't wait to see it.
Haha, you already saw it.
After watching this preview, few people gave me some ideas.
So, I'll try improving the current version.
And I even thought it's already finished...
lol your right. Well. I can't wait to use it.
do you still work on it?
Anyway.Yes,he is still woking on it.Release date is 27th November,i think.
loooser has written
but i wonder why he opens this threat a alomst a half year bevore releacing it
I opened thread when it was already released in pre-alpha stage.
Moreover, pre-alpha version is not for guys like you.
Yeah, I'm not quite working on it cuz it's finished a week ago.
I'm busy with activities, so just wait.
edited 1×, last 23.11.10 10:07:11 pm
i hope i did not annoy you