Time has written
I doubt that you and books are related in any way.
I doubt that you and books are related in any way.
Big, fat "You are 100% Correct!" from me Time.
Anyway, back ontopic:
I had just made some examples of a lightmap, but then the power went off ( that is what you get for living in South Africa... ). I am quickly taking some snapshots....
Here they are:


You can see the difference hey? The lightmapped one is meant as either a nighttime zone or for a dark basement. I personally like it as a basement. It looks cool doesn't it?
EDIT: Unfortunatly Bayimg went and compressed it and now it doesn't look as good as it used to.. But trust me it really rocks.
EDIT2: Here, a link to the original file, on my own little subby: http://dannydeth.22web.net/lightmap/
Pretty cool, huh? That is the original

edited 1×, last 31.10.10 09:42:03 am