dm_metroSniper_x User Offline 27.12.11 12:58:11 pm This is a mini Deathmatch with CT vs T in a metro. Edit Say you create map Use on your server Now I update it with shadows at yellow-black tapes and a little update to Tero base edited 7×, last 27.12.11 04:19:11 pm Approved by Sparty (01.03.20 08:24 am) Download 40 kb, 357 Downloads
Jela331Sniper_x User Offline 27.12.11 07:24:20 pm Ok, now I am going offline, I want to play Star Wars Jedi Outcast. Thank you for downloading!!
Jela331 User Offline 27.12.11 07:22:45 pm It only looks like the tape is on high place, but whatever. It's good. I like it!
Jela331Sniper_x User Offline 27.12.11 06:53:52 pm Sorry for shadows... . But now I replaced stupid shadows with good shadows. Sorry ...
Jela331 User Offline 27.12.11 03:47:51 pm @ Sniper_x: Those yellow-black tapes on the streets should have shadow under it. Instructions-how to make a shadow: Step 1. Put a sprite Step 2. Set color-Black Step 3. Set transparecy on 0.3 Step 4. Move the sprite for 3 pixels And you've got it. I like it!
Sniper_x User Offline 27.12.11 03:18:40 pm I am working for three Half-Life maps. I finish them but, is a bug (I repair bug) and the name maps are: --> Half life Mysterious --> Half life --> Half-Life Destroyed (this is a map pack) P.S: Ultimate map is finish...
BaDgEr User Offline 27.12.11 01:08:17 pm It's cool and i have new idea for map! Thanks bro I like it!