Ninja Skin Part 2NinjaEx User Offline 17.12.11 12:14:21 pm My 2 Ninja looks better than first . I want show you it Approved by GeoB99 (25.12.23 09:35 pm) Download 2 kb, 321 Downloads
Obviously Exactly Myself User Offline 17.12.11 03:09:30 pm Kinda good, what's the blue part for? Also add some skin color that really looks like human skin not wood. I like it!
Majatek User Offline 17.12.11 01:56:01 pm Eh, looks like a terrorist. I'm more partial to Pirates anyway. They get guns, and get to drink alcohol.
Yates Reviewer Offline 17.12.11 01:43:39 pm Ninjas can't catch you if you have an army of Fire Zombies at your command!
buraxia3 User Offline 17.12.11 12:52:50 pm I loved blue thing Good skin but why don't you share those ninja things in one file? Both of them is 2kb I like it!