Soul Bane Dagger,the divine knife,serrated.CS-GO4ever User Offline 09.12.11 02:58:37 pm The ''divine knife'',the Soul Bane Dagger,the new melee weapons from CSO now to CS2D,download,comment,and enjoy. edited 5×, last 27.04.12 06:00:39 pm Approved by GeoB99 (07.07.17 07:27 pm) Download 27 kb, 381 Downloads
CS-GO4ever User Offline 18.01.12 04:32:35 pm OK,other thing see Soul Bane Dagger in CSO is very cool than in CS2d.
Phenixtri User Offline 28.12.11 11:25:36 pm Not bad but some better and brighter screen shots would be better. Like say take screen shots over black or white tiles to make the skin more easy to see. I like it!