Snow DustLoyal Hight User Offline 07.12.11 11:51:48 am Texture by Loyal Hight Turn dust map into snow land! Approved by DC (29.12.15 01:39 pm) Download 99 kb, 380 Downloads
DevGru User Offline 15.12.11 05:23:07 am Lol why did you still call it dust it should be de_snow Nice map though. I like it!
Blunt User Offline 07.12.11 04:50:11 pm Hey, Yout Tileset come of a Gamerserver Congratulations! I like it!
Jynxxx User Offline 07.12.11 11:56:47 am Well, first you can change the name of the tiles in the archive to snow_dust because people still want to use the original tiles. But, they are great nice job. I like it!