No Flag IndicatorUltimate programmer BANNED Offline 02.12.11 05:43:52 pm Sometimes I am playing CS2D ctf maps.And I hate that i almost can not know my team's flag was taken or not so I've made this script edited 1×, last 25.05.12 09:13:15 pm Approved by GeoB99 (25.07.16 05:10 pm) Download 3 kb, 438 Downloads
Alistaire User Offline 02.12.11 08:03:17 pm Mhm.. I'd like it better if it'd be somewhere else on the screen. Like right of the armor indicator. And make it glowy like the rest of the hud.
I like.RingotheMix User Offline 02.12.11 06:05:25 pm Good job. Useful element for ctf mode... I like it!