BaDgEr | cs_jungleBaDgEr User Offline 19.11.11 04:39:06 pm Hi there! I finished my new cs_ map, called cs_jungle Have fun! You can Edit it with my permission Upload it with my permission Use it on your server You can't Edit it without my permission Upload it without my permission Say that is yours Enjoy! edited 2×, last 25.03.12 08:31:10 pm Approved by SQ (13.04.21 12:38 am) Download 427 kb, 445 Downloads
Alistaire User Offline 03.02.12 03:15:15 pm The map sucks. Random walls, certainly not tought about walkroute, huge chance for the T's to camp till victory, ugly housing sprites..
Redoxx- GAME BANNED Offline 03.02.12 03:12:04 pm nice hope some day i can be like you making maps, i started to mapmaking I like it!
BaDgEr User Offline 03.02.12 01:30:28 pm @ WinterPwnd: His comment is a revenge... Look at his comment there File does not exist (10033)
WinterPwnd User Offline 03.02.12 01:19:53 pm HeadHunter youve liked the bigges shits on this site and u hate this? LOOL I like it!
Zins User Offline 03.02.12 01:01:03 pm good map (sry for last shit's) I like it!edited 1×, last 03.02.12 08:33:57 pm
DevGru User Offline 19.11.11 05:40:22 pm @ uLtR4: I know what he will say, "I would like to but I'm lazy." I like it!
uLtR4 User Offline 19.11.11 05:38:50 pm The style of the map is nice. Why don't u make a bigger one? I like it!
Sebax User Offline 19.11.11 05:03:53 pm Tiles: awesome Map: awesome Inspiration: yes Conclussion: I LIKE IT! I like it!
DevGru User Offline 19.11.11 04:56:32 pm Nice tiles + nice map, very good. Just add a background and it will be perfect, a background that does match the map's tile. I like it!