I've added:
- Some more class tier sprites etc
- "Magic"
- More fail messages; "You already chose a class"
I've changed:
- Some map names
- Many useless spacebars ("if (blabla) and (blabla) then" has become "if(blabla)and(blabla)then")
- Scripting stuff as always
I've added:
- Much more class and tier sprites
- Awesome Tier X sprites (You should really watch them)
- A little bit more scripting stuff
I've changed:
- Script (Duh)
- Map names
- Sprite placement in maps (Please delete the whole 1.2 mod, and replace it with 1.3)
I've added:
- Tiers (Cavalry tiers done)
- A massive ammount of class and tier related images
- More classrelated scripts
- A command system
- A fragcount system
To give someone a higher fragcount use:
!kc *id* *class* *fragcount*
For example: Give yourself (as id=1), while being a horseman (class=1) a fragcount of 100 (fragcount=100) is:
!kc 1 1 100
Will be updated frequently!
edited 6×, last 10.03.12 10:43:10 am
Approved by Yates
359 kb, 462 Downloads