If you visit this site regulary, then you can realis that, nowadays there's a new mod, called Hide 'n Seek.
This map is for this gamemode. It has 15 spaenpoint for Ct-s and 18 for T-s. Hiding time set to 20 second, while map is small. 65*42 tile, so it is not big. but it has many hiding spot. And there isn't any item for T-s, so the only chance they have, is to hide.

Attention! This map contains file, which aren't in the .zip file. You can upload them here: http://unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=8018
Thanks for Jela331 and Mc_bowlinghead for the script.
Download the map, and enjoy the game.

Approved by GeoB99
2 kb, 331 Downloads