Bazaar Bargainmadness1547 User Offline 03.08.11 07:59:48 pm hello! here's a sniper that has an awesum history! it was buyed in a bazaar for a bargain! uh... let's cut out the history... and let's just give some headshots in noobs! Boom! headshot! Approved by GeoB99 (25.12.23 08:59 pm) Download 2 kb, 347 Downloads
Q-Q User Offline 03.08.11 09:40:00 pm Needs some shadows and i like the map more the skin! And it looks like a old sniper so + points for that. I like it!
Krimhorn User Offline 03.08.11 08:37:04 pm I get this from Drop in TF2 today, and i don't like it, Huntsman FTW! Returning to the topic, you should fix those shades and model, it's awful ...