Unreal Tournament by [2D_BRO]Anubis V1.022D_BRO-Anubis User Offline 11.07.11 02:38:12 pm Unreal Tournament by [2D_BRO]Anubis V1.02 It's a pack of dom, dm, ctf maps. The main theme is a game UnrealTournament. edited 1×, last 12.07.11 10:19:24 am Approved by GeoB99 (08.02.20 07:24 pm) Download 227 kb, 386 Downloads
applyzaher250hp User Offline 15.09.11 07:45:54 pm hi all hi Aunbis im Luana if yuo remember me in happy town and please remeber me aga 15 nick name Luana from American
Aythadis User Offline 12.07.11 02:59:29 am Aww... This brings back memories... More detail would be better. Also, I like you profile picture. I used the same one before, till I changed it to the one I have now. I like it!
Jela331 User Offline 11.07.11 09:11:17 pm Ahhh,good old days of playing UT. I passed Campgain to the end(in UT2). I killed Xan Anyway kinda nice copy I like it!
PeterToman COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 11.07.11 06:02:50 pm Or make an image and an env_teleport or wtf was that. i didn't map for a while. I like it!
Eat Cake User Offline 11.07.11 04:16:53 pm Good. Very good. 4/5 Remember about Unreal Tournament I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 11.07.11 04:01:44 pm Erhmm.. Make the teleports Pgun entrances. Because I can destroy the teleports.
hobo man445 User Offline 11.07.11 03:28:23 pm nice map but why didnt the 1st screen have weps? I like it!