My pointerincre4se User Offline 10.07.11 11:38:41 am Yo, I made a pointer. I like it, hope you like it. Declined by GeoB99 (26.12.23 04:51 pm)You did not upload any images for this file or your images are inappropriate/bad or they do not show the contents of your upload! Download 923 b, 451 Downloads
Seekay Reviewer Offline 10.07.11 04:16:42 pm @gUtZ its the crosshair. its pointing where you are shooting AND its the mousecursor in cs2d. I like it!
Majatek User Offline 10.07.11 12:12:49 pm Okay, this is slightly better but you forgot to replace the other three pointers, yellow, red, and the hourglass. Other than that... Hmmm.. I just don't like it
@WnF CrazykevinCY Reviewer Offline 10.07.11 12:05:31 pm Other stuff sir.. You know what I'm trying to say..
Seekay Reviewer Offline 10.07.11 12:00:37 pm @Cyrille the crosshair is alltime the same.. I dont really like it, made in 30 sec with paint... I like it!
Simple..CY Reviewer Offline 10.07.11 11:57:37 am You should replace all of the pointers.. Duh.. I think 2 stars is enough for this..
KimKart Idiot Offline 10.07.11 11:48:04 am Its kinda wierd and the green lines could be smaller. I like it!edited 1×, last 10.07.11 11:59:24 am