Awp_Indiaasdbanana User Offline 04.07.11 05:18:48 pm Hello! I Made an CS 1.6 Map called Awp_India Enjoy! edited 10×, last 06.12.12 07:22:44 pm Approved by GeoB99 (25.12.23 08:43 pm) Download 905 b, 351 Downloads
@Jela331asdbanana User Offline 19.07.11 07:42:11 pm @Jela331 Changed edited 3×, last 06.12.12 07:22:01 pm
Jela331 User Offline 19.07.11 02:10:45 pm You should renamed it into awp_**** (**** will be name of it) It's not aim map if it has awp for primary weapon only. But yeah nice map I like it!
@TheNextasdbanana User Offline 19.07.11 10:44:35 am @TheNext Thx! I appreciate that you like this map and that you like it eaven more than dd2 ! edited 1×, last 30.07.11 06:42:50 pm
wowdeletemepl0x User Offline 18.07.11 07:44:41 pm This map is nice! I like it even better then de_Dust2 I like it!
@DemonicWareasdbanana User Offline 15.07.11 04:07:47 pm @DemonicWare Thx Well , if you want then you can change them do something else edited 3×, last 30.07.11 06:37:02 pm
DemonicWare User Offline 08.07.11 05:16:02 pm nice one but this obstacles looking like walls :S I like it!