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9 comments312 kb, 155 Downloads

old Maps_Dday

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I already wrote a long and detailed description, but thanks to a shitty Dell Mousepad, Apparently my thumb was pressing 'back' on my browser, when it was about 10cm away :S

Uses the traditional Dday tiles. Built in lua script for one of the maps. It was originally going to be an Aim_map, but I thought I could develop it into 4 different gamemodes:

Aim_Dday (Screenshot 1) M4A1 and Deagle to be used only. Layout is very carefully drawn for balanced gameplay. Play in Standard Mode.

Dm_Dday (Screenshot 1) All weapons allowed.(Normal Buying option). Built-in lua, uses Tdm Script, which means which ever team reach a total score of 200 first, wins. Play in Team Deathmatch Mode.

Ctf_Dday (Screenshot 2) All weapons allowed.(Normal buying option). Again, very balanced gameplay, very similar to the original layout. Find the machete and airstrike to use at your advantage. Build turrets with the wrench to protect your flag. Play on Team Deathmatch/Contruction Mode.

De_Dday (Screenshot 3 + 4) All weapons allowed.(Normal buying option). Normal de_ rules. Play on Standard Mode.
Beautiful tiles by LucasRib
Tdm Script by Loooser
Bombspot 'A' and 'B' sprites by Time
Map by Fizzykil
√Use in your servers
×Say it is yours

Have Fun!
edited 1×, last 01.07.11 06:36:38 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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312 kb, 155 Downloads


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Nice pack of maps fizzy,good job
I like it!


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@2Fast4You - Read previous comments, DL, then comment yourself.

@All - Thanks, Will be uploading more maps soon - focusing on aim_maps at the moment.


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What does it has to do with Dday.. it doesn't look like a beach, imo.


BANNED Off Offline

@albabachersont Learn english + not style (TILES)
and btw nice map :] I'am a fan of you're maps
I like it!


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nice map..this is map stile de_dust
I like it!


hobo man445
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@death13 in map editor go on the wrench at the top left and click 1:4 and choose 1:1 and export this will take a picture of the map and will be in your cs2d folder

btw nice map a bit empty try to fill in the spots
I like it!


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Nice maps, just a question, how did you get the full map screen shot? Or did you just get many and photo-stich them together?
I like it!


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I thought that too after I had made it. I still called it Dday though because of the tiles used. Glad you liked :).


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That's not D-Day.
D-Day looks alot different.
Map is nice anyway
I like it!
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