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old Translocator

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version: 1.3 (updated 27th of October 2011)
The Translocator is a movement tool which is able to teleport the user to a certain place on the map without ending the turn.
If you want to know how this works, you just need to read the Usage and Returning the destination module sections. The other text are just notes and hints.

The Translocator consists of two elements: The source module and the destination module.
In the beginning, the source module holds the destination module.
The user holds the source module in his hands.
If the user hits [fire] once, the destination module gets fired onto the landscape, if the user hits [fire] once again, the user gets teleported to the destination module.
If hope the screenshots illustrate this quite well.

Returning the destination module
The translocator uses in your inventory only decreases if you actually teleport. If you just fire and never teleport, the usage counter does not decrease.
"Returning" means to get back the destination module to the source module so you can fire it again without decreasing the usage counter. There are currently four ways to return the destination module:
• your turn ends somehow
• the destination module drops in water
• the destination module is somewhere where you can't teleport because there is not enough space. In this situation the red light is off; push space bar to return it then
• you touch the destination module (you collect it)

It is possible to fire the destination module, then select and even use ANY other items in your inventory which does not end your turn, for example time bonus, and then if you select the translocator again and press fire, you will be teleported!

The red light above the destination module does have a meaning. If it is on, you can teleport, but if it is not shining, this means a teleport is not possible because there is not enough free space above it. If you press fire if the light is off, the module will be returned, too.

Unreal Tournament
Yes, the idea is taken from Unreal Tournament.
But with "my" Translocator telefrags (kill an oppnent by throwing destination module under his feed and teleport) are currently not possible. Maybe I'll implement this feature later or it gets implemented by another fancy scripter (maybe you?) who takes his time to modify this script. But I am not sure wheather it is a good idea to allow telefragging; it will turn a movement tool into a lethal weapon which doesn't even end your turn, which is not the point of the translocator.

• from version 1.0 to 1.1: Fixed critical bug reported by holzchopf. The "cc" has been replaced by "kifferopa". Thx holzchopf.
• from version 1.1 to 1.2: Some important improvements: First, the red light does have a useful meaning now (see description). Second, the source module looks different (and better) now. Third, you are now guaranteed to don't get stuck on the terrain if you teleport, the script makes sure you get somewhere on the ground and not in the earth. Fourth, the module can be returned now, under certain circumstances (see "returning" section).
• from version 1.2 to 1.3: If you have more than one translocator left, you will keep the translocator in your hand if you just teleported, so you can instantly fire another translocator. Note that still each teleport costs you one translocator! Before this version, your weapon was deactivated after teleportation, forcing you to switching to the translocator again.
edited 4×, last 27.10.11 10:42:33 pm
Approved by SQ

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Happy Killer
BANNED Off Offline

Not bad, I like it.
I like it!


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As always, great description
I like it!


User Off Offline

Epic, just, epic...
I like it!


User Off Offline

this is an great tool i realy like the idea

but i think it would be a bit better if there was a chargebar to choose how far to shot
I like it!


User Off Offline

Cool idea.Good work. 5 *
I like it!


Idiot Off Offline

this i is Awesome.Keep up the good work.

P.S aneybody wants to play CC?
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

I had to replace "cc" to "kifferopa" on line 8 in the lua script to make it work. But now it works and it's working fine!

New (good) idea + own graphics + (ripped, but anyway) sounds = 5 stars!
I like it!


User Off Offline

At first, finally new nice CC weapon
At seconds, its awesome
I like it!


User Off Offline

very good idea, and it seems to work perfectly fine.
I like it!



Nice one, never used it althrough.
I like it!


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Like it.I give 5/5
Now it's little bit easier to play
I like it!
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