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English DesertFox M4A1 skin+sound realism mod (CT) >

22 comments140 kb, 602 Downloads

old DesertFox M4A1 skin+sound realism mod (CT)

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Instead of going to bed (shame on me!) I decided to stay up and create my first weapon sprite for CS2D - my favourite weapon variant, the M4A1 in desert camo, with optional suppressor and a reflex-sight for aesthetics (I mean, normally in FPS games I'd have a reflector sight attached to my rifles - Unfortunately in CS2D there is no such option, so it looks like you can scope, but you can't - Oh well. At least it looks spiffy I guess).

• Additionally, it features two remastered audio tracks of the weapon fired with no attachments, and one when the M4A1 is fired with a suppressor.

× This pack is not to be reuploaded in part or in whole within other projects. Edits of my work is also prohibited. Failing to head these warnings will earn you a report, and a possible ban.

× Do not claim as your own - I took the time remastering the audio from public domain audio sources and sprited the entire thing myself.
DesertFox M4A1 skin and sound mod made by RamboFox (- Email address (only visible with login) -)

us How to install the mod:
Simply extract the contents of the *.zip file to the Counter-Strike 2D main directory (default is "C:\Counter-Strike 2D") and confirm that you want to overwrite the already existing files that reside in the gfx and sfx sub directories.
Done! The weapon behaves as a normal M4A1 as default, but should now have beefed-up sounds and some sweet looking in-game sprites.

I hope you'll enjoy it - I certainly do =D
edited 6×, last 07.06.12 01:15:20 pm
Approved by CY

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140 kb, 602 Downloads


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It looks good, but w/o silencer looks like aug in desert camo.But nice skin !
I like it!


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It's actually easier to put detail into larger sprites as opposed to putting detail into smaller areas due to the fact that there isn't as many pixels to work with.
I know it as a fact - I've been a spriter for a good 1-2 years, so I know what it's like to create detailed images in small places.
It's just that this is my first time creating a skin mod of a weapon for CS2D.

Oh, and people are saying it's small, right? Well, I roughly based the size off of the original M4A1 that came with CS2D, so I'm wondering, do you find all gun sprites that came with CS2D too small?
Because if so, it sounds like something I should fix.

Oh! I'll create a poll!
edited 1×, last 10.06.11 11:12:00 am


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I'm giving him constructive criticism, saying that it would look alot better if it had been a slightly larger skin.

RamboFox, how about you make the same model but bigger, and see what the file gets rated.
I like it!


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Stop saying that big sprites are easier or small ones are easier. Just do what you believe in doing. No one rates based on size (except one guy).
I like it!


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First of all, it's a bit too small.
It's really easy to make smaller guns. If you don't believe me, open it up with paint, and see how easy it is to make.

Anyway, you've got the right shape. If you make it bigger and fix up the details & shading, you'll get a better rating next time.
I like it!

old @RamboFox

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The smaller the better~ I'm expecting some detailed skin or files from ya! Good luck!
I like it!


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Funny, I was afraid that I was going to create a skin that would be too big


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It's good for a first. Better than recolours and resizes. Work harder, you'll get better. Oh, and try to make stuff like a little bit bigger.
I like it!


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Well, I guess the real M4A1 in desert camo needs more details and needs it's shape fixed, because I checked my sprite against my reference and it matches exactly.


And he thinks the M4A1 looks like an ak? Lol, they look nothing like each other. Save the fact that they've got the basic stock, body of the gun, trigger and grip set right behind the clip, and the barrel as an extension out of the weapon's body type of design.


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I think he means ak. Btw after donwloading your skin, I saw that is nned mored details on buy image and also fix the shape.
I like it!


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It looks like the brown version of the M4A1, because it's a brown M4A1 coloured in desert camo. You do know however that I didn't use a single pixel from the default CS2D M4A1, right?

"but it looks like al when holding it"
What's an al?


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Look like the brown version of the m4 im not gonna rate it looks good but it looks like al when holding it


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SHweeet! looks cool! I'll use it soon.
+3 for aw3some

+2 for ingame sprites.

Scope? how bout use it for the aug? that has a scope ability..
I like it!


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White dot represents the scope lens, but yeah, that silencer is quite huge.

Well eh, it's a topdown game so realism wasn't really factored in for the weapon as a whole.
I'll keep at it, you know I will


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Good but the silencer is too big and there is a white pixel that comes out from the scope. So i recommend you to practice more
I like it!


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Now I've found something to replace my M4A1 skin,awesome.
I like it!


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Wait until you hear the remastered sound pack in action - Firing the M4A1 in full auto without a suppressor sure feels like you're holding the real thing in real life just from the powerful sound that explodes across the speakers - But by no means is the sound unnecessarily loud (I took my time making sure it didn't blare out of the speakers), but it may make the rest of the weapons sound a bit puny... Now it has that sound to combat the AWM/AWP's own, heh.

It may be my first skin/mod, but I took great care into doing it properly by looking at how the original CS2D format of the guns are (not too large, etc).
It's great to see that all the planning (within a 2-3 hour stage of creating it from nothing) has achieved what I had hoped to end up with when I first set out to create this pack.
Thanks KimKat7



The appearance of this weapon model skin is pretty awesome, so it's pretty ideal for combat in CS2D. The desert camo almost makes the weapon profile appear alot more powerful. It's definitely worth a 5/5 rating from me.
I like it!


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Thanks Cyrille Yukimaru!

And sure-o NoWa, different people have different tastes. Mine are mostly... weird...
I'll just continue on skinning, and learn a few tricks along the way~
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