Welcome to airsoft Fort!
About a week ago, I created a mini-Fort. But i thought if I en-larged the map and put a Bomb-spot in the middle, It would be a fort-defence type game. Then i started thinking beyond just 1 game-mode...
I have included 5 different game-modes in this map, Each game-mode having at least one unique feature:
De - Bomb Defuse
- The T's start in the Fort
- The c4 timer is scripted to 40
The idea is that the T's plant the bomb ASAP, then take up positions and wait for the Ct's to either rush the fort, or pick them off 1 by 1. The time for each round can't really be longer than 1 minute. Fast gameplay.
Dom - Domination
- There are four turrets placed in the fort (see screenshots)
- The Ct's must capture each 'Red' point to win, whilst the T's must send at least 3 of them to capture the CT point in the top right corner of the map.
- In the 'Domination Airsoft Fort' screenshot, there are 2 circled areas. The Black circled area has a trigger: Whenever a CT is crossing the bridge in the black circled area, An alarm can be heard (if you listen fairly closely) in the white circled area. This is ideal for the Pro snipers.
CTF - Capture the Flag
- The map is more (not completely) symetrical
- Both teams do not spawn in the fort
The fort is again, the center of this game-mode. If you control the fort, you control the game. Note the switches inside the fort...
- There are now 2 bridges on either side of the fort, the same goes for...
AWP - Team deathmatch
- The map is more or less exactly the same as the 'CTF_airsoft Fort'.
- This is basically a team Deathmatch, only with snipers ;).
- Whichever team reaches a team score (all player kills added up) of 200 first, wins. It uses the famous 'tdm script', the author is included in the credits.
Using the tree's in this map is the key to a win, but i do not encourage camping...
Koth - King of the Hill
- This is similar to the 'Bomb Defuse' gamemode, only the C4 timer is scripted to 255 seconds (4 minutes 35 seconds) +
- You can respawn, thanks to the 'Standard DM script'
- If your server is not full + auto-team balance is off, It will get harder and harder for the T's, as CT's are constantly being added every minute. After 2.5 minutes, the side gates open.
-T's spawn in the Fort.
Each game mode is 100% BOT friendly!
All rules are scripted, The only things you will have to adjust are the amount of bots/players there are at the start of each round + the Round Times of the 'DE' and 'Koth' game-modes.
fasttt - For the TDM script included in Awp_airsoft fort.
vectar666 - For the Standard DM script, (respawning in Standard game-mode), used in 'Koth_airsoft Fort'.
reactant - The tiles used to make the Fort.
Please note the people above, could not have made the Fort without!
Enjoy! Tell me what you think.
edited 5×, last 12.06.11 01:30:58 am
Approved by GeoB99
157 kb, 189 Downloads