The concept and what it does is simply this-you are allowed to change the time in which a building will be finished building.
t_obj_time is lines up with the names so you can tell which one you are changing. Also modify the prices since lua can't find the prices yet.
t_obj_time={ "30", "0","30", "35", "55", "45", "55", "60", "60", "0","0","0","40", "40"}
30 = 3 seconds for barricade
0 = An empty slot, editing this won't do anything.
30 = 3 seconds for Wall I
35 = 3.5 seconds for Wall II
55 = 5.5 seconds for Wall III
45 = 4.5 seconds for gate field
55 = 5.5 seconds for dispenser
60 = 6 seconds for turret
60 = 6 seconds for Supply
The next three zeros are empty slots.
40 = 4 seconds for teleporter entrance
40 = 4 seconds for teleporter exit
Oh and I really wish you would have just used what you set...but can you get the variable of mp_building_price "turret"?
DC has written
sorry you can't get this variable with Lua.
edited 4×, last 02.02.12 10:19:55 am
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