It has a battlefield with 3 artillery pieces in each side (CTs got cannons, Ts got rocket launchers).
It is classified as WAR, because it is originally made for my WarMod (coming soon!). However, you can still normally play it in the normal CS2D.
It has a sniper hidden (you wont see it... you'll feel it).
v0.2: I fixed it, in the last version I forgot to make the Ts message in the start.
v0.4: Now the FastBug (when you shoot a cannon/rkt launcher too fast it bugs) no longer exists, and the artillery pieces have determined reloading time.
Hope you like it.
Use it.
Play it online.
Put it in your own mod, givin me credit.
Edit it, without forgetting I am the creator (credits!)
You CAN'T upload it to any site, with or without permission. Keep your edited version for yourself (unless it's VERY good.. in this case, show-me and we'll see).
edited 8×, last 17.11.11 11:55:36 pm
Approved by GeoB99
101 kb, 463 Downloads