Modern Warfare 2: AK47 by xxGaTungxx (Updated)xxMadChickenxx User Offline 23.05.11 06:51:04 am Yep, this is for my mod ( I need more scripters !), the AK47, most balance weapon in Modern Warfare 2 ( I think). All made by me ! This file contains: -MW2 Ak47: New and old Please: Download, use, comment ! Do not steal, edit or claim it as your ! edited 3×, last 30.12.11 01:03:34 pm Approved by GeoB99 (06.11.16 03:26 pm) Download 4 kb, 560 Downloads
xxMadChickenxx User Offline 23.05.11 05:20:52 pm @FN_Linkin Park: Oops, you right, I will fix it. @0A: Thanks man.
J4x User Offline 23.05.11 04:30:48 pm Buy image: It is nice, but it looks like a toy gun, also the handle is to small and need more details, here is a photo of the mw2 ak - 47 I like it!
xxMadChickenxx User Offline 23.05.11 11:39:18 am Thanks for rating, guys. I will upload more. More The reason I make skins with standart size is: It's easier to fill colors ( I'm a lazy guy). And no more r4p3. More Oh, about the " . ", it's not accident, I meant to do that.
BlazingStan User Offline 23.05.11 10:40:05 am Very nice skin,nice job. 5/5. (I dont like big buy images at all,and u have very nice skin with standart size.) I like it!
DannyDeth User Offline 23.05.11 07:54:18 am rape? that would be rather hard. But nice skin gaung, you've got the shape perfectly! 5/5 - awesome! I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 23.05.11 07:39:09 am Yea. Bro, fix the part. You accidentally put a . between it, hehe.
EngiN33R Moderator Offline 23.05.11 07:31:42 am xxMadChickenxx has writtenDownload, use, test,, comment xxMadChickenxx has I'm sorry, what? The skin is nice, very nice. I like it!
Apache uwu User Offline 23.05.11 07:13:17 am Nice skin! I'm an O.K scripter, if you need scripts I can help I like it!
Josh98 User Offline 23.05.11 07:10:41 am little small (whats with people making tiny things?) but none of the less deserves a good score. +5 for awesome -1 for puny size, which in turn is more compatible with other skins but sacrifices detail. I like it!