Again me, and againly inspired by... quess who, I've created My first High-Detailed weapon. It's Grenade Launcher (Sorry for the image, but firstly i wanted to do rocket launcher from this, but i've failed it a bit :x). Oh, i forget also, this Rocket Launcher have got also Menu image, for Role-Play map, etc.
Anyway, check it's out!
Additional infos:
Time tookd' to make? About 1hour,
What can You do with my file?
Edit (I know You will do this :p),
Upload with My permission (I know You would not ask me for it...),
Rate of course, and download (REALLY).
What can't you do?
Upload w/o My permission,
Say it's Yours.
And that's all, have fun with My Rocke... arrr, Grenade Launcher!
P.S. Sorry for no grenade, i've forget to upload it :x,
P.S.S. Grenade uploaded.
edited 4×, last 04.06.12 09:32:07 pm
Approved by Yates
4 kb, 422 Downloads