Crysis 2 U.S Marine [Multiplayer]The Spy User Offline 06.05.11 06:45:21 pm The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a separate branch of the US armed forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea, using the mobility of the U.S. Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces. Equipment: Nanosuit Tactical Visor Kevlar Flashlight So enjoy! Next Skin: Crysis 2 C.E.L.L. edited 2×, last 07.05.11 07:57:24 pm Approved by CY (20.07.16 12:51 am) Download 3 kb, 442 Downloads
ReD666DeaD User Offline 04.09.12 05:46:55 pm The Spy, 1 - Please, laid tile with this map. 2 - Please add de_crysis map, but on the other file sharing, since this is now locked :(. Here's a screenshot from the site I like it!
@TheSpyCert User Offline 07.05.11 01:17:17 am Yes i mean the soldier with uniform. the normal soldier: Helmet,kevlar you know I like it!
The Spy User Offline 06.05.11 11:35:25 pm I will make a VIP with only a nanosuit and with or without helmet. Edit: You mean the soldier only with is uniform?
Cert User Offline 06.05.11 07:19:45 pm Hey nice i love this but can you make a version without nanosuit? Like this I like it!edited 2×, last 06.05.11 10:32:35 pm