Additional infos:
a) Time taked to make all pack? 1,2hour,
b) Programs used? Gimp 2.6, and with little help of MS Paint,
c) What can you do with my file?
-What can you do:
Edit with my permission,
Upload on other sides (like U.S.) with my permission,
Rate, of course.
-What can't you do:
Edit w/o my permission,
Upload on other sides w/o my permission,
You can't say it's yours.
What can you find in my pack?:
LRSSSR Menu, Drop, Kill, and Hold images,
LRSSSR Shot Sound (thanks to user: M5H4CK)
Have great fun with my LRSSSR, and get some cookies!
edited 2×, last 04.06.12 09:32:27 pm
Approved by Yates
88 kb, 340 Downloads