
> > Stranded II > Maps (for the original SII) > Mt. UnIdEnTiFiEd
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English Mt. UnIdEnTiFiEd >

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old Mt. UnIdEnTiFiEd

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This is my first map (for original stranded) and i reckon i did a pretty good job.

Featuring textured landscapes (not coloured).

It also contains...

Baren desserts
Lonely islands
Snowy cliffs and mountains
Danger lurking in every corner
And much more!

Good luck surviving!
edited 2×, last 16.04.11 10:10:01 am
Approved by DC

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old nice..

User Off Offline

sweet man i made a cool adventure like this...

on the map there was heaps of islands named
fishermans isle
farming isle
abandoned isle
hounted isle (undead and canniabals)
palace isles (a rocky isle with a palace on top

and places like that

good job by the way...
I like it!
edited 1×, last 18.07.11 09:11:20 am
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