Battlefield 2 Radio Sounds by killmekillme User Offline 05.04.11 08:08:19 am Radio Sounds from Battlefield 2. I do not own anything, sound files ported to CS2D. All content and credits belongs to EA Digital Illusions CE AB. edited 1×, last 26.11.17 02:01:47 pm Approved by GeoB99 (27.12.17 07:59 pm) Download 898 kb, 1,200 Downloads
nikolaXX User Offline 23.03.14 07:56:32 pm 3 likes 467 downloads.. HACKER ALERT HACKER ALERT! WARNING CLOSE ALL DOORS AND SHUT YOUR WINDOWSS KIDZ Admin/mod comment §4.4 - Titles/texts in capital letters are impolite and undesired
UpdateMix User Offline 06.04.11 09:15:51 pm very nice,but i already put voices of my language :D... 5/5 good job I like it!
Josh98 User Offline 05.04.11 05:17:34 pm Pretty cool, I'm guessing you have battlefield 2 for pc and have converted the sounds to be compatible with CS2D. I like it!