
> > CS2D > Maps > zm_escapefromthecity
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English zm_escapefromthecity >

0 comments425 kb, 408 Downloads

old zm_escapefromthecity

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Hello it's my second upload and first map.
Here are many good things!Like:
working Tv, working tank, many vehicles,
and de helicopter! This map is really good
for halfire's L4D 2D mod:
Hope you like it!
Sorry about lagging, cuz I added many entities,
so you can delete, what you think don't needs.
It's the Hungarian version, soon I upload the English!
edited 2×, last 20.02.11 04:59:08 pm
Declined by GeoB99
The quality of the file is too low! Please invest more time and only upload stuff which is actually good. Do not upload your first "5 minute"-attempts. Sorry, but nobody wants to see and download stuff like that!
Not enough screenshots to showcase the map in question. Also the map itself looks bad.

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425 kb, 408 Downloads



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