Damage mod
Modifier for the amount of damage given. 1.0 is the default value 2 is twice and 0.5 is half.
Resist mod
Modifier that changes the amount of damage taken. If this is set to 1 you take no damage. Higher values will heal you.
Reflect mod
Modifier that will allow the player to reflect some damage taken! If set to 0 no damage is reflected 1 will reflect all damage. Higher values make the damage reflected stronger. Note: The damage reflected is first influenced by your resist (and you attacker's damage mod) before it is reflected.
SetDMGMod <id> <v>
Sets the damage modifier of the player with ID id to v.
SetDMGResist <id> <v>
Sets the resist modifier of the player with ID id to v.
SetDMGReflect <id> <v>
Sets the reflect modifier of the player with ID id to v.
edited 2×, last 11.07.12 03:49:00 am
Approved by GeoB99
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