[CW] PortalGun+Turrets+NEWlogos+FlarePACKCrawiS User Offline 05.02.11 06:09:30 pm CRAWIS MIX BOX includes Weapons Portal Gun Turret, Double Turret, Triple Turret. Logos ak-47.bmp heart.bmp skult3.bmp Flare Pack (sprites) glow.bmp explosion.png fuse1.png fuse2.png fuse3.png fx_blur.bmp fx_blurstar.png fx_flare5.png fx_flare6.png fx_flarebright.png All these weapons and logos are made by CrawiS Download, use, rate and enjoy You can edit this file, but do not say it's yours Approved by GeoB99 (13.07.18 10:04 am) Download 101 kb, 638 Downloads
hmmkittaylor User Offline 23.10.11 11:23:07 am i see the portal gun like bug but well done nice job I like it!
stupid and noobCrawiS User Offline 15.09.11 11:46:37 pm @The Killer23: stolen?? you're absolutely wrong. Before you say stupid things, you should always verifies your words and search for a evidence. This file was make for me completely, with paint and improved with photofiltre. (sorry for my english)
Le fantome User Offline 04.09.11 09:33:37 am but i think i saw this portal from another user here stealer
sharkbait User Offline 04.09.11 08:30:19 am lol your using a team fortress skin xd nice! i dun like the portal but i like the knife i will rate 5 becuz i dunt want to break your 5.0 ratings I like it!
CrawiS User Offline 05.02.11 09:47:01 pm @Guitorres thx xD. I make skins only for hobbie. But u're the best mapper certainly, i can't match those achievements. edited 1×, last 05.02.11 11:12:34 pm
BlackBelt User Offline 05.02.11 07:00:29 pm HOLY SHIT Wow man, I Love this skin I'll go use it you should make more skins if you continue so you can be the best skinner of weapons I like it!
map-fail244453211332112 User Offline 05.02.11 06:41:20 pm OMFG you havent the map in the folder! I like it!