It's the complete first level of the good old Super Mario!
To play just select the file "Super Mario.png" in the ingame editor.
This map is some bigger than the other two maps I made.
Best use it on servers with many players!
Have fun!
I've edited the map now so the pits now work and you drown when falling into them
Thanks @Vectar666 for reporting that problem
Further I've made a second version of the map which is only half of the width and half of the hight so it actually is a quarter of the orignial size.
I've tested it and I think that it is also pretty nice to play, maybe especially for battles with only a few players while the big one still probably is better for battles with more players.
The download-file now includes both the original map (big one) and the new map (small one)!
Approved by DC
108 kb, 670 Downloads