Sword Skin Pack by killmekillme User Offline 22.01.11 03:35:21 pm Sword Skin Pack by Killme This is my skin pack Maybe you like it. its (Machete) FEATURES: Gold Sword Bronze Sword Titanium Sword Silver-Blood Sword Crystal Sword If you want to see the picture, its in the Images down there. EDIT IT! CLAIM AS YOUR OWN ENJOY! Approved by GeoB99 (18.03.17 07:35 pm) Download 13 kb, 466 Downloads
remenberHenryStanller User Offline 24.03.11 02:06:54 pm this remenber the balfur gate for gba or castlevania aria of sorow
MAX-russia User Offline 22.01.11 08:57:52 pm No.I dont like swords in cs2d. I like meels like crowbar or plumbing wrench . I like it!
jkproducman User Offline 22.01.11 04:42:20 pm maybe make it longer and sharper,i mean not longer..just make it shark,4/5 I like it!
killme User Offline 22.01.11 03:43:25 pm ya i know its very simple. im still thinking of crazy ideas.