rpg_mafia_town_1.4mafia_man User Offline 09.01.11 10:46:15 am This is map from my server. It uses my own tileset. Screenshots in spoiler! It have : Admin Control Rooms Spoiler 2 Admin Houses Spoiler Vip House Spoiler 11 Houses Shooting place with shoot tutorial place Spoiler About 7 secret items Burned city Spoiler Beach Spoiler Death Run Spoiler Weapon Shop Spoiler Map : Spoiler http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4665/mapexport.png Don't edit Don't upload it anywhere Don't claim it as yours You can use it at your server You can share link to this file Approved by SQ (15.12.15 09:39 am) Download 932 kb, 709 Downloads
Suprise BANNED Offline 31.07.12 06:31:37 pm Played on the server. Very awesome, prefect map. I like it!
Deathliger User Offline 31.07.12 06:08:13 pm nice work bro I like it!edited 1×, last 19.04.17 02:32:39 pm
mafia_man User Offline 09.01.11 07:55:21 pm @YOJO You wrote : "Could be better" but look at your maps. Your maps end and start at black, ugly shadow edges. @MAX-russia Look at spoilers and next time please read what i wrote Its in 3th line.
mafia_man User Offline 09.01.11 02:09:25 pm @Krimhorn It's not edit of Happy Town, this map is complety made from 0 @maPmaKer You can use them but you need to give credits.
Krimhorn User Offline 09.01.11 11:57:01 am Maybe it's next edit of Happy Town, but i played on it, and it's very intresting map! 5/5 I like it!