This map is big map form my CS2D CTF Maps
Enjoy with map (200x200)
32 player different spawn
Heal areas
Secret items : Mine,Chainsaw,RPG,Laser mine,Light Armor ...
2 Super Armor (Defend by nature turrets)
Have 3 DOM point in DOM mode
You can use this map
You can use this tile without my credit
Do not edit my map
This map is using edit tileset
I'm using cs2dnorm.bmp , 2dcustomizersV2.bmp
and other ... to made this tile
Note:this tile is >>not create by me<< but edit by me
PS.Next updated I'll fixed some bug and add more secret
weapon and gameplay
edited 10×, last 04.01.11 11:24:14 am
Approved by GeoB99
315 kb, 387 Downloads