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English zm_NachtDerUntoten 666_1.1 >

9 comments434 kb, 460 Downloads

old zm_NachtDerUntoten 666_1.1

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Map By Terrorized666
Script By Fizzykil
Edited map by Fizzykil
Tiles by Terrorized666

This is based on the zombies map from World at war, Nacht Der Untoten.
Press use (defualt key 'E') on the white drawings of guns to buy one! You get 100 points for every kill, so make them count!
The stairs in the 'help room' are already unlocked, so don't worry about them!..
There is a random box in the help room, it costs 950 points, and you may recieve a Raygun! (laser)

Have Fun!

If you don't like it, i'll take it off upload no problem
edited 1×, last 03.03.11 06:20:12 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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434 kb, 460 Downloads


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Kingdolrus is the best scripter look at his video in youtube the best script i ever seen

@upload its good but not very it´s okay


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Don't worry, when your done i can change the lua to make it work again
edited 1×, last 03.01.11 04:31:49 pm


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I re-did the level shape. I got a set of blue prints for it. Now the basic structure is about 99% accurate, but not really to scale, but when your getting chased by tons of Zombies, are you really be looking at the level design? I moved the "upstairs" over to another area, and so on... But I seem to have wrecked the Lua, it doesn't work with the new version, but I'm still working on the level design. It can be fixed later.

Here is a quick sceen at what I have at the moment of this post.

I'm doing some of the fine detailing, and getting everything ready to be used with Lua. I added the sounds to the waves to.

@KINGGOLDrus & RyceR
So what if this level has been done many times. I just felt like making this map. What do I loose? A couple hours, big deal.


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hmm... you chose a wrong map scale. (-0.5)
Rycer wrote:"there is too many maps like that" (-0.5)
No special appeal (-1)
Many empty places (-1)
I'm sorry, result: 3.
Sorry for my bad english.
I like it!


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good but there is too many maps like that:
4 (good) - 1 = 3
I like it!


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@kaboom123: thanks
@Hunter162: I don't understand you want to run this script with other maps or the script with this map - explain and ill help
@Terrorized666: Glad you like
How to add sounds to a weapon:
It's pretty simple, just give the 'use' next to a weapon (sprite on the wall in shape of weapon) a trigger name eg:
TRIGGER example

then name the sound:
NAME example

for the doors:
For the help room door, add a sound next to it called a2 - so it would be


and with the stairs:
NAME a21

If you want to add sounds in the map it probably won't involve the script


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I like what you did a lot! Even with a few map edits, its still awesome! I have the sounds that I want to add in, and a few more gfx to put in, but I can do that. This can stay up till I finish with my final additions.

Thanks for the kick ass script! Now I go and work on this!


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WHY!! i unable to load any of these maps with this script on it but i really wanna try!!


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woa dude!! this is rly like it nd vry good edit
u need to add tiles to the file!! good thing i have terror's tiles alrdy
I like it!
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