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old zm_Pentagon (script is there built in)

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OK finally my first upload. (has been delayed due to not being able to create a Zip file)
But it's here, zm_pentagon.
This was insipred by CoD blackOps zombie map in 'Five'.
It is practically the same - you can buy the weapons for the same prices as in 'five', the 'debris' costs the same to clear and the random box is the box with the 'A' on it. (See pic. 4).
It has 22 levels, And is synced with the '15' minute time limit, So round 22 (the final round) will end when the 15 minute time limit ends.

Just one thing i couldn't get past with scripts,
When you use the lift (see pic. 2 (to the right) and pic. 3(after you have come out of the lift)), Once you are in the second level (see pic. 4 and 5) add as many zombies to make it harder.

Scripts have been edited by me,
Originally based on the script from nacht_der_untoten_v1.3 (map and script by Burex.

This is my first upload, so I'm open to critisism!

√play on your server (online)
√edit map and script (as long as i'm in the credits if you upload it)
×say it is yours
×Say the script is yours, (You need to say it is Burex's script)

Have fun!


You start in the main room, with a choice of the M14 or/and the Olympia.
If you open one of the doors (on the wall on which you buy the M14) you can now buy the MPL. If you now go to the right of the MPL, you will come across some debris which costs 1250 to clear. Once you have cleared that, you can go into the lift and be teleported to the floor below. Wait three seconds and the doors will open to the floor below, and then your free to go round the 'pentagon' with the choices of an MP5k or the PM63.
If you go 'down' the steps (near the lift), you can clear the debris there and your free to buy the M16, or use the random box!
If you clear the debris to the left of that room, You can buy the Stakeout!
That will then be the whole pentagon unlocked - Enjoy
Video of the pentagon above.
edited 5×, last 03.03.11 06:19:07 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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8 kb, 309 Downloads


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Again some nice map with nice scripts !
I like it!


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@LaW it is supposed to be
On request i will make a zm_map 'nazi zombie' style, just say which one (eg:de_dust, ctf_fortress etc)
I have just uploaded another 'back ops' zombies map, so if you liked this one even in the smallest of ways, its garrenteed you will like the new one even more!

@ALL: To those who are looking out for my maps on uploads - if i don't upload another map for a few days don't worry - I'm creating a story mode! It's set in 1939-1945 (...WW2). There are going to be about 5-8 missions in total, each one (classically) gets harder.
Your name in the story is Pvt.Kellner and you are lucky enough to survive a defeat, only to find your in enemy lands with no food - and your going to be attacked any minute. Olny, Pvt. Kellner is taken by complete suprise when he finds out what he's up against...

It will be out in about 4-7 days, so look out for it if you liked this map! I have already made the first two missions..
edited 7×, last 03.01.11 04:30:05 pm


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Yeah...T think this map from CoD6: Black Ops...
I like it!


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thanks -
And i have made another CS2D's own nazi zombie map. Check it out
I'm now making a third one...
edited 1×, last 18.12.10 11:36:47 am


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woa awesome map nd script yess awesome mor ppl makin nazi zombie maps
I like it!


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the script is cool not bad mine is too easy

thank you very much for your zombies map!
I like it!


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Thanks batlaizy

Posting a video here shortly.


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Sulaiman, Total is 11 actually. The better word would be "average" and i like you script fizzykil (map too)
I like it!


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Sulaiman, is the map too big/ too small? please explain as i would like to improve it



4/5 script
3/5 map
4/5 explication
total 4/5
I like it!


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Awesome map + not claiming everything is yours + you actually figured out how to create a .zip ( lol ) = 5/5 for the author and upload
I like it!
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