Light blue CT skinSupermoler User Offline 28.11.10 06:33:24 pm Hi guys! Made a new CT skin Approved by GeoB99 (02.04.16 09:20 pm) Download 2 kb, 414 Downloads
.YeaH.FiiD User Offline 28.11.10 09:14:09 pm The shading is awesome...the color isnt the best for a CT..make it darker and you need more details on it...make some cool glowes and paint some so stuff...but you are much better now in making players I like it!
Supermoler User Offline 28.11.10 06:47:32 pm Thanks the replies. I like this colour And it can be used for T skin too, just rename But everyone knows that
0a User Offline 28.11.10 06:45:05 pm good umm its like a terrorist skin for me (FN_Nemesis, you adveristing tutorial, thank you :D) I like it!
J4x User Offline 28.11.10 06:34:53 pm cool, but is just a recolor, try to change more things in ur skins, here is a tutorial.. I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 28.11.10 06:34:30 pm You are getting better.. I don't like the color but the detail is great.. You used Zero's tutorial.. I like it!