hello everyones
See 3 more pictures would be enough I guess:)
Lua has a map or
Thanks X-Files has made him the I-friend
My friend let me do Tigre This map Yielded him in a trap, I Thank You
Yielded him an idea of Asilhan-Tr me Thank you my friend:)
'd Recommend that you download and test:)
İm Name Nameless_Warrior
EnE[S] (İnn CS2D)
Lua Created X-Files he My Bro
edited 2×, last 25.11.10 02:07:16 pm
Declined by GeoB99
The quality of the file is too low!
Please invest more time and only upload stuff which is actually good.
Do not upload your first "5 minute"-attempts.
Sorry, but nobody wants to see and download stuff like that!
279 kb, 398 Downloads