Old ShotgunHaRe User Offline 24.10.10 10:32:33 pm Well hi, Idk if this has been made yet but anyways here is the "old" shotgun. Search in google for old shotgun if u want to see how the real old one was like. Approved by DC (22.02.17 10:28 am) Download 2 kb, 365 Downloads
hacked User Offline 08.06.12 11:42:49 am Hm?What? Shitgun,shotgun using shits as bullet?o_O (I just scurrying around and find this.Anyway we got a new discovery,the shitgun!)
J4x User Offline 24.10.10 10:38:56 pm i make my old shitgun and the drop image don´t fuck up here it is: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=3041, second image. I like it!
HaRe User Offline 24.10.10 10:35:47 pm Yeah i know it's longer but if i make it longer the ground image will be fucked up, But if u mean the holding one then srry i will fix it later
J4x User Offline 24.10.10 10:34:47 pm The stock looks weird, it needs to be longer i already look it in google and ths stock i longer, any way average skin.... I like it!