OBM packOlaFPhp User Offline 10.10.10 06:38:57 am OBM or Operation Black Mesa skins pack Do not edit You can edit if you have permision from me Gordon Freeman skin I have permision from The Camo Enjoy Approved by GeoB99 (09.08.19 01:04 pm) Download 10 kb, 348 Downloads
OlaFPhp User Offline 10.10.10 11:10:31 am no the oxy tank is its weapon so i dont put it. if you edit it its ok if you have permision from me
Phenixtri User Offline 10.10.10 09:59:22 am Well the engineer is missing the yellow oxy tank on his back so yea that a pretty big glitch their. Everything else is ok as it could have more & clearer detail. It just seems like the skins were rushed to me so yea I like it!
0a User Offline 10.10.10 08:34:58 am only a word: AWESOME i love your skins and i will use the medic one I like it!
OlaFPhp User Offline 10.10.10 08:03:44 am AAMM if you notice about a little blood on the obmmedik's hand thats the blood of his patients
Krimhorn User Offline 10.10.10 07:54:09 am Olaf, these are perfect skins! You are my favourite HL-HL2 Skinner on this forum, love ya! 5/5 I like it!
Time User Offline 10.10.10 07:23:34 am Good job. They seem to resemble the chars perfectly. I like it!