KaZfieL TF2 like SMG TacticalKaZfieL User Offline 08.10.10 04:36:19 pm my first sprites... hope u like it Rate Steal or i'll you Approved by GeoB99 (29.12.23 09:45 pm) Download 130 kb, 395 Downloads
palomino User Offline 21.10.10 09:04:52 pm Doesn't look like the TF2 one at all. But overall, it's fine. I like it!
KaZfieL User Offline 09.10.10 12:26:42 pm i'd say : SMG TACTICAL original TF2 SMG Like with a few attachment
FaqAp User Offline 09.10.10 07:20:37 am I play TF2 and never seen this weapons, maybe you wont make this? http://www.gamer.ru/system/attached_images/images/000/148/572/normal/Render.jpg?1266340363 I like it!
KaZfieL User Offline 09.10.10 03:12:59 am its rate lol lol lol lol lol lol <--- to make my message +20 char
StirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 09.10.10 01:09:05 am my first sprites... hope u like it √ Rape <<< !? × Steal or i'll you Anyway this skin looks good. I like it!
KaZfieL User Offline 09.10.10 12:27:16 am @zero arcanus Sorry man but i'd prefer p90 fire rate than ump, but u can change the name if you want
claude User Offline 08.10.10 08:41:16 pm Dang, finally something new and worty here! Good job! I like it!
0a User Offline 08.10.10 05:17:46 pm nice but it will be a ump45 for me u will be a good skinner.. I like it!