2 hours later...
"ALERT! Zombies has escaped cage!" - ???
"YYyyyyyy..." - Zombie
Do you was to see what`s next?
Did scientist escape?
The choice is yours.
Try to survive.
Escape by docked ship.
Be a zombie
Infest all survivors
Map Details:
x_XScientists (CT):
2 spawn zones
Laser and super armor
Some medickits around the map
Zombies (T):
1 spawn zone
After get out cage, zombies have spawn points all around map.
Map by: Marboy2314
(WARNING: In game is written that the map maked $najp-er* PL. Don`t say it`s a stoled map. It`s my in-game nick!!!)
edited 3×, last 27.08.10 11:15:43 am
Approved by GeoB99
80 kb, 458 Downloads