palisade houseAura User Offline 25.11.09 10:33:30 pm This is an island with a 2-story house made of palisades! Approved by DC (02.12.15 10:18 pm) Download 28 kb, 1,326 Downloads
Wow!SlyCooperReloadCoded User Offline 12.06.11 08:13:40 pm I could probably do this in, well, a week! Too long! Nice map/house! I like it!
Vectarrio User Offline 30.12.10 09:47:01 pm I can do this, well, fast. But idea is good. so, good+1=very good(4)! I like it!
5 - AWESOME!Overseer User Offline 30.12.10 08:12:37 pm Cool, realy cool, realy cool, realy cool, realy cool, realy cool! I like it!
Lion_Hearted User Offline 17.04.10 11:08:01 pm Interesting idea of a house, excellent inspiration to map makers everywhere. I like it!