Aiming Device v1.1Holzchopf Super User Offline 30.07.10 07:17:55 pm This is not a weapon. It's a tool. Better: It's a device. I call it the Aiming Device. What it does? It helps. It helps you aim. It's like the laser pointer of the sniper gun, but it's compatible to every other weapon in the game. v1.1 - 28 Sep 2011 - Changed file hierarchy edited 1×, last 28.09.11 03:23:06 pm Approved by DC (01.12.15 10:54 pm) Download 3 kb, 602 Downloads
Pitxxx User Offline 16.11.10 07:05:31 pm Great job Try to make it with granades and other weapons like bazooka I like it!
germanrancor User Offline 25.10.10 08:15:10 pm its help me to kill better thanks its great I like it!