modern warfare 2 m21 for g3sg1Salzig User Offline 27.07.10 09:10:24 pm just another skin from mw2 for cs2d rate and comment *slaps 14 year old self* edited 1×, last 19.11.15 09:26:58 am Approved by CY (29.02.16 07:58 am) Download 4 kb, 504 Downloads
Draco User Offline 22.05.13 08:30:44 pm I dont know... It looks strange (mostly because of the giant drop image)
mansu321progamers User Offline 22.05.13 08:11:21 pm Nice gun. @ Cure Pikachu: Your maths must be low. If you (4star+3star+5star) and divide it to 3, it's 5/5. Don't do some ''AVERAGE POINT'' crap if you don't know maths. I like it!
Cure Pikachu User Offline 28.07.10 08:24:28 am Drop image = Buy image = Player w/ weapon image = Average = I like it!
Salzig User Offline 28.07.10 08:01:50 am mirash I made this map with editor but I never really released it it's called de_nile I'll post it up later
Mirash User Offline 28.07.10 05:22:54 am Nice map. emm. I can not get the name of this card? on this 4/5 I like it!
xelrockerx User Offline 27.07.10 11:23:17 pm It's good, but It looks like you're using some kind of program that makes making that a lot easier, not that it's a bad thing I like it!
Yorty User Offline 27.07.10 09:28:23 pm I want to strangle the next person who makes a skin with the words "MW2" or "Modern Warfare 2" in the title.