Like bar, but can only be placed in terrain. Building a tunnel doesn't end your turn.
use: 1, round: 0
Auto-diggs a shaft into the ground. It's building direction is defined by the point you start to build relative to the player's position. It's short, but even shorter if it reaches the end of terrain or collides with a player.
use: 0, round: 0
Super Shaft
Like Shaft, but much longer.
use: 0, round: 0
Builds 3 bridge parts so you can jump up from one to the other. Building a ladder doesn't end your turn.
use: 0, round: 0
Super Ladder
Like Ladder, but with 10 parts.
use: 0, round: 0
v1.1 - 28 Sep 2011
- Removed Shaft and Super Shaft because they made it in the standard CarnageContest weapon set
- Changed file hierarchy
edited 3×, last 28.09.11 03:27:20 pm
Approved by DC
5 kb, 622 Downloads