
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Reroute # HC 1.9.4
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old Reroute # HC 1.9.4

Mami Tomoe
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This is a simple module that you may implement into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 .
Other versions of the framework (such as file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.3 ) will NOT work.
Specifically this module requires HC patch
1.9.4 (23/03/2025)
or newer.

This module will implement the "reroute" feature.
Said feature allows players to reroute themselves through a preconfigured server list menu.

This file serves as a direct competitor to the file:
file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.5
Specifically this made me want to release a better approach to rerouting.

Why is my approach better?
My approach uses wide menus to present more elaborate titles for every server entry.
My approach does not require you to download the entire framework for a single module.
My approach does not include irrelevant server data.
My approach does not include an obsolete say command.
My approach is tidier, easier to configure, and easier to work with.

As this module is specifically made for file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 , it cannot work independently, but, that also means that it should work seamlessly.

You may configure server names.
You may configure server IP addresses.

Usage video:

Approved by Gaios

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250 kb, 10 Downloads



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