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English MVP Announcer # HC 1.9.4 >

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old MVP Announcer # HC 1.9.4

Mami Tomoe
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This is a simple module that you may implement into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 .
Other versions of the framework (such as file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.3 ) may work, but might require tinkering.

This module will implement the "MVP" feature.
Said feature announces at the start of a round who was the most valuable player of the round preceding.

Comparable Files >

My file will account for kills, if a tie is found, will account for damage, ergo reducing the likelihood of there being a tie.
Additionally, my file enables a feature: "MVP_FRIENDLY_FIRE_PENALTY", when set to true (default) will penalise players who commit war crimes (friendly-fire/team-kills), but when set to false, will assume the previously established is fair play and take account of them them in the calculations.

As this module is specifically made for file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 , it cannot work independently, but, that also means that it should work seamlessly.

Usage video:

edited 2×, last 23.03.25 03:05:26 pm
Approved by DC

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44 kb, 21 Downloads



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