New cs2d Counter terroristDestimon User Offline 18.07.10 09:33:28 pm What's new in skin! blue shirt Semi brown hair Blue gloves Black armor with the words Installation instructions in the archive and see screenshots Enjoy Approved by CY (29.12.15 11:13 am) Download 2 kb, 442 Downloads
DannY-PhantoM User Offline 14.07.13 11:19:09 pm eh! this is like hostage! all ct go to ct and press e and ct follow ct
Time User Offline 19.07.10 08:28:22 am Yep. That would indeed be a good hostage. Oh btw.. can you make a Justin Beiber hostage.. so I can shoot him all the time? I like it!
StirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 19.07.10 08:22:45 am This look like hostage "I tried to wait for CTs!" I like it!
Sorry not goodScorch User Offline 19.07.10 12:46:31 am hey dont feel bad but this skin is not a ''good looking'' skin