
> > CS2D > Skins/Sprites > WW2 Skin Pack + Sounds #1 - England VS Germany
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English WW2 Skin Pack + Sounds #1 - England VS Germany >

7 comments3.37 mb, 566 Downloads

old WW2 Skin Pack + Sounds #1 - England VS Germany

Mr Klaus
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Just a mod that adds weapon skins, weapon sounds and British 6th Airborne Division soldiers VS Wehrmacht, SS Honor Guard and Fallschirmjäger soldiers.

√ All weapons skins and soldiers were created by me, base of the soldiers created by MKOP.

√ Weapon sounds from: Men of War: Assault Squad.

√ All buy menu weapons are replaced, and the others just the Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher and RPG Launcher.

× Do not copy saying that you did it but you can edit.


Gameplay with skin pack:

Weapon list:

AK47 > StG.44
AUG > Bren Light Machine Gun
AWP > Scoped Kar.98k
Deagle > .38 Webley MK IV
Elite > Browning Hi-Power
Famas > Lewis MKI
Fiveseven > Walther PK
GS3G1 > Scoped FG42
Galil > MG34
Glock > Luger P08
Grenade Launcher > Panzerscheck
HE > Stielhandgrenate
M3 > Trench Gun
M4A1 > Browning Automatic Rifle
M249 > MG42
MAC10 > MP40
MP5 > Thompson
P90 > Tommy Gun
P228 > Enfield NO.2
Rocket Launcher > Panzerfaust
RPG Launcher > Piat
Scout > Scoped Lee Enfield MKII
SG550 > Lee Enfield MKII
SG552 > Chauchat
UMP45 > Sten MKVI SD
USP > Colt.45
XM1014 > Lanchester
edited 8×, last 22.11.18 01:05:40 am
Approved by Sparty

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3.37 mb, 566 Downloads


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good , nice skin
I like it!

old WW2 Stereotypes

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I bet Hitler fight back against Joseph stalin, but it didn't make it out as a plan..
I like it!


Mr Klaus
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@user _oops: Oh yes, sorry about this, I'll remove your files from my pack and leave the credits from the base of the skins.


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× Do not copy saying that you did it but you can edit.

Yes, I agree with you.
√ All weapons skins and soldiers were created by me.

but at least put me in the credit man. you even forgot to remove my skins in your file.
file cs2d [Player skin] WW2D Soldier
Spoiler >
I like it!
edited 1×, last 14.01.19 04:37:03 am


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the best skin i've seen so far
I like it!
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