
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Warning of the Bomb Tried to Be Planted Outside
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English Warning of the Bomb Tried to Be Planted Outside >

7 comments507 b, 406 Downloads

old Warning of the Bomb Tried to Be Planted Outside

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Hello, this is my very first script.

> Description
This script provides; a little warning when a bomb planter tries to plant outside the field(s).

If there is a problem you're getting, please tell me.

Special thanks to user Masea.
edited 1×, last 23.07.18 09:53:36 am
Approved by DC

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Take a cookie.
I like it!


Cure Pikachu
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user Taskin has written
About your third paragraph, I actually do not see the point, what do you want me to do?

At first I wanted to say "Raise the timer from 1000 to 5000", but after a little rest, what if you switch to cs2d cmd hudtxt2? That way you kill the fadeout effect and you can have the warning message up for as long as you want, free from client settings. That makes it uh... "idiot-proof"?


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@user Gaios: Well, there is currently not.


Reviewer Off Offline

there's default notification
by a client


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@user Rainoth: It was supposed to be
anyway. I just forget it, sorry about that.

@user Cure Pikachu: About your first paragraph, I had no idea as well however I'll think about it in the future. About your second paragraph, it seems more sensible, I fixed it as that. About your third paragraph, I actually do not see the point, what do you want me to do?

Please check the code now, thank you guys.


Cure Pikachu
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• Attempting to plant the bomb is done using the attack button, which your script assumes it's LMB (majority will use this anyway), but it will cause problems for anybody using another button, like RMB (left-handers anyone?) for example. But, since there's no other alternative... (Attempting to plant the bomb does not trigger the cs2d lua hook attack hook, I tried)
msg("You can't plant the bomb because you are not in the field.")
should be
msg2(id,"You can't plant the bomb because you are not in the field.@C")
. It should only notify the bomber and not everyone else, not to mention it's also more "in your face" like in actual CS cause the message is in the center.
• The cooldown of 1 second that you implemented does not really mitigate the potential spam considering that hud_saytext_time and hud_centertext_time defaults to 10s and 5s respectively.
edited 1×, last 23.07.18 05:43:42 am


Moderator Off Offline

Start using msg2 instead of msg, otherwise a player can spam that message in the server.
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